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Josiah Flores
Josiah Flores

General Player Eng IS V2.11.4.R.

After a game has been completed, the arbiter shall write down all the material he observed. This information will be helpful in rating or in determining the "Official" score if a rematch is held. Although the players need not agree to have their final scores recorded or reported to the USGA, in the majority of cases, the opponents' scores are to be turned in on request, and will be available on request until 30 days after the tournament.

General Player Eng IS V2.11.4.R.

The Wieboards' points for player, cup and team shall be determined by calculating each player's score for the day and placing them in descending order for the number of points scored, taking into account the difference in scores between players. For purposes of calculating the points, all of the following shall apply:

The points for the player, cup and team shall be determined by calculating each player's score for the day and placing them in descending order for the number of points scored, taking into account the difference in scores between players.

When they do not respond promptly to the signals of the referee or when they deliberately fail to comply with any of the provisions of the rules relating to the game, players shall lose five points for unsportsmanlike conduct.

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